Financial Service

About Us
Yuanta Securities was established in 1962. The company had been in operation under the name of Tongyang for 30 years (Tongyang Securities, Tongyang Investment Bank) and changed the name after Yuanta Securities, merged by a Taiwanese company.
Currently, it has 78 branches in Korea including 3W Prestige Centers, and by actively utilizing the extensive network of Taiwan’s Yuanta Financial Group including China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, it is securing a position as a specialized securities company in the pan-Chinese area.
- Very sophisticated and powerful computer is necessary to hedge the risk to guarantee agreed profit to customers and secure profit of the securities
- With existing servers, it took 3 hours for traders to consider 25,000 scenarios and the need for expanding server arose to reduce the time
- On the day of significant issue volatility, the number of scenarios to be calculated by traders increased so the company wanted to reduce the time required
Our Role
- Cost reduction by using Spot Instance and scale-out configuration, if necessary
- Applying the scenario of ELS derivatives under Brexit situation with AWS
- Making it possible to operate at 1/10 compared with existing legacy system
Shortening Working hours
- The working hours has shortened by about 4 times from 3 hours using existing limited infrastructure to 30 minutes
Cost Saving
- Possible to use the service at cheaper cost than previously as service is in use while turning the switch off when if it is not necessary
- Spot Instance is subject to additional discount so it can be used at the 1/10 of the previous cost
Maintaining Scalability, Performance and Service
- Thanks to AWS scalability, performance and service can be maintained with significant issue volatility in Brexit.
- Trading based on efficient and rapid analysis of risk of derivatives with AWS’s strong computing power.